Sterling Lawyers, LLC in Milwaukee WI

Sterling Lawyers is a top of the line law firm based in Milwaukee County serving Greenfield, Cudahy, Franklin, Oak Creek, Wauwatosa, West Allis and all of Metro Milwaukee. Family Law is our specialty, particularly in the practice areas of Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support and Alimony.

Sterling Lawyers, LLC
250 E Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(414) 431-8697

Sterling Lawyers is unique in relation to other law firms as we do not just concentrate on the comprehension of the law and the legal consequences of the law; however, we likewise concentrate on conveying an extraordinary customer experience.

Each client working with Sterling Lawyers is allotted a two-person legal team. The first individual is a lawyer who executes in the territory of law our client needs help in, and the second individual on your case is a client advocate.

The attorney is in charge of working toward your goals with the court, other lawyer or prosecutor, guardian ad litem, court commissioner and the presiding judge. The client advocate, who is not a lawyer, is an administration specialist. This means you will have a two-prong group of individuals guaranteeing your case is getting the consideration it merits and your goals are being met.

Our law office is found in downtown Milwaukee on the second story of the Watts building, located on the intersection of North Jefferson Street and East Mason Street.

Getting Results in Family Law, Divorce & Custody Cases 

Separation, child custody and other family related legal issues can be troublesome. In many cases, family situations involving the courts can be confounding and, unfortunately, emotionally draining. At Sterling Lawyers, we mean to help you keep your family protected and moving in the direction of a superior future. We will battle to secure your rights and work to ensure you get the results you deserve.

Our family lawyers counsel clients as they work past legal matters. All through the separation or custody/guardianship proceedings we put our clients in the best conceivable position to get the best possible outcome. To help you avoid a long, drawn out separation, where property division and spousal support/divorce settlement is decisive, we will explore all collaborative options. We will likewise guide you when working through complex issues identified with child support and child custody.

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